Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Lighting tests

With the new light set up, I did a number of tests to see which setting worked best for what we wanted.

for the left hand light, the settings I had were:

Full brightness + close + 3200K (Yellow light) This was too bright and created a spot light kind of effect which was not what we wanted

Lights - too bright white

The second test included the settings:
Half brightness + close + 3200K (YL) Which created a very similar effect to the first, just less vibrant.

The third test:
Half brightness + close + Full (Green Light) Created a warmer and softer glow that I thought was effective, I fully opened the barn doors on the light to let the light spread as much as it could, and this optioned seemed to be the one. 

lights - softer glow

Me and Callum then discussed about adding the filter film originally there, over the light which then gave the effect we wanted. which create a central light that acts as a chandelier in the room.

Set lights with orange film

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