Wednesday 19 April 2017

Day 5 - lightning in window and close up

Callum managed to salvage the footage I filmed yesterday, for the back shot, he 'time remapped' the section where I said his reaction to the lightning could have been a lot more sudden and faster, but the edditing Callum did made it look okay. He also fixed the close up scene of the character looking out the window, by using one of the frames I took and creating a clipping mask in order to move the eyes, which I really like and it saves us time fiddling about with being super carful not to move the puppet and his glasses to much.

With a shot he had done last week, Callum put together all of the clips that made up the scene we were working on. We adjusted the timing of the clips within the 11 second we had, to make the scene flow nicely. I do think this can still be editeded a bit, the cross fade could last a little less, and the lightning flash could be a little less white and bright as in my opinion it doesn't look that realistic.  the audio also need to be brought forward as he jumps before the lightning visuals or sound.

We then got on with the next bit where again he is writing by an animated shadow of the monster apears on the wall behind. We filmed 2 second with the theory that we could loop this action to save time with animating. however this meant that the focus shifting from the character to the wall would have to be done digitally. Sylvia said it would be much quicker and better to do in camera which I agreed with, so go onto doing a 2 second test to see if this was the better option. 

Close up in focus check you can really see the different in the depth of field in the first and last shot, however in a video sequence, it doesn't show as well, one thing we could do it the digital option doesn't work, is bring the character and desk closer to the camera to really emphasise the focusing. I'd focus on the character for a good few secconds before beginging to adjust the depth of field, this scene is 15 seconds long so plenty of time to change the focus across.

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