Wednesday 5 April 2017

equipment set up - health and safety

From the feedback we got in the presentation, it was said that the lighting was too vibrant, so I changed this by using the Dedo lights instead of the ones that had been set up. 

I used these lights last year, and loved them because you can control so much with them, for example, how bright the light is and how sharp the light is, so this now helps with the eery look that we wanted.

I also had a tidy up in the room, maximizing our space, making sure it was easy for us to get to the set, and looking at a health and safety point of view, I put the light tripos on the floor where there is less change of them falling over if knocked. I also put the camera lead under the table so that it is no longer a trip hazzard.

Set up before

Set up after

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