Friday 28 April 2017

Day 8 - animation process

This was yesterday's set up, we're at the scene where the character gets up from the desk and walks over to the fireplace. I also took the opportunity in the morning to re-do the walk scene where he goes to sit as the desk that I did the day before, so I learnt from what I remembered about not moving his too much, to slow his actions down, and move his right arm as if swinging. This won't be included in the animation, as there is nothing similar to it, but will be good for my showreel, and possibly trailer because it could introduce the character? 

He does move a bit faster that I would have wanted him to because he is elderly, but I do like the pulling back of the chair and going to sit down, I think it reflects the motion of an older man doing the same action.

For this shot I moved the bookcase on the back wall to next to the doors, I did this because there is a lot of empty space behind the character, and the room is meant to look busy and cluttered.

I had Ciara helping me yesterday which was really good, because it was an extra pair of hands to press the capture button, and she also gave me feedback while I was working, which helped make the scene a lot better then it probably would have been compared to  animating by myself. 

I also had to use the rig to support the character in the two shots I did, which meant going though the photos and removing it. I did this by taking a black shot without the character first or when the camera angle changed, and simply put that image as a bottom layer so I could erase the rig in the top layer.

I also had the problem of his eyes falling out, so I digitally edited this in photoshop too. 

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