Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Day 7 animation process

The next shot on schedule was the shot to transition to the flashback scene, Callum wanted a close up of the pen at a slight heigh so he could digitally add a drip of ink coming from it. We discussed which side would be better for this, and finalised at this angle, where you can see his and in more detail.

Callum took a still of this shot as he just simply wanted the ink drop to be moving.

While this angle was set up, I tok the opportunity to do some animating for my showreel/portfolio.

I changed set up because it was so difficult to get to the character this way so took out the window wall, which abled me to move his eyes. However, because of the character's size, it's so fiddly to get in an move them, his glasses would move a lot or his eyes would even fall out. I wanted to have a go at creating more expression wth his movement but was very unsuccessful. 

It's hard to move his head without moving his whole body, and I regret not making the character a larger scale to have more surface to work with. So my puppet making is not quite at it's best yet, as I've discovered this puppet has lots of faults. 

I did do a walk scene where the puppet interacts with the chair, pulling it back and sitting on it. However all of this footage cannot be found, in the folder I had thought I set it to save, so unfortunately a bit of a waste of a day for me with no footage to show and evaluate. Tomorrow I will try to remember what I needed to correct and do the walk scene again, but better. 

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