Monday 20 February 2017

Puppet making

Because i want to make the puppet out of rubber liquid latex, because I feel it will give a more realist, weathered look to the puppet of the animation, which will add to his adventurous background. 

I wasn't sure how to make the hands successful to be able to hold a pen to write with, my first idea I was half way there with what would work, but connecting the other fingers woulnd't have been sucessfull, so I change the whole arms to 5 strands of the 1mm wire to make a sturdy enough arm and then created fingers from each strand.

I used milliput to build up the 'boned' areas of the puppet so he's not able to bed in these places.

To make his skin, I am layering up the latex bit by bit so it dries properly and created a detailed puppet. the armature will be added when it is built up enough, and then laytex will build round the gaps before putting the two parts togehter. 

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