Friday, 3 February 2017

art book research.

To help me with organising the project art book, and including the right content in appealing layouts, I researched existing art books to look at how they have previously been done.

one artbook I particularly admired was the Fantastic Mr Fox book, it had one large image for each main character(s)as if to introduce  their chapter of the book. I like this an included fill page images in this project's book to have strong images stand out.

I did reach a point on the last few pages where I didn't know how to display the set making process. but I did find one image in an art book, where they had a section of the film's set and had arrows from  it to show the smaller props in bigger detail. Again I took inspiration from this and included a sketch of the set with props I'd made places around the image, to say this set will be filled with obscure items such as these.

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