Thursday, 24 November 2016

Set scaling and design

As one of my roles is preparing the set for being built, I have to look at scaling the furniture and objects within the set in order to fit with the puppet.

We've decided that the puppet will be around 7" which is roughly 18cm. A man in real life could be around 5ft9 which would mean that the furniture I've been looking a would have to be divided by 10 in order to get the right sized furniture scaled down for the puppet.

Callum's plan
Callum gave me a set he envisioned,and told me it was set in the 1800s.  

We had put together a Pinterest board so we could add images of what each of us thought the room would look like. I also looked for 1800s furniture on eBay to find dimensions so everything will be accurate. 

I did suggest some adjustments with eh design, as we want some of the walls to be removable so it allows for different camera angles, I thought the wall the stair case is on, would be a wall that we'd want to remove, so I suggested for the stairs and balcony to be along the back wall so that it can be a permeant wall and out the way of possibly blocking the character in shot.

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